There’s also a serious lack of interest for members to serve on the committee.
As I keep reminding you it is your club. And we would like more people on the committee. It helps if there is a
greater variation of opinions to make sure that all corners of the club are looked after.
The committee members are just the oil that keeps the gears moving.
You do not need to come from a management background in life. just have a passion and a belief in the club you
are part of.
We more, or less know everybody names in the club, because we are that small, we’re not strangers.
Nor are we an elite club. We need to help and support our fellow members that are struggling with some aspects of
modelling. Not everybody has an engineering mind but have a passion for flight and may not always ask for help.
So, offer it.
Certificate (A)
This year and moving forward the committee will be making proactive effort for those members that do not have a
(A) certificate for the discipline they are operating in and are not under supervision / Instruction to get there (A)
certificate keeping it in line with our current rules of the club. Paragraph 3. Persons Entitled to Fly, Page 5
Out club examiners / club Instructions are very keen to give as much help and support on the journey for members
to gain there (A) certificate. Go to Link, in the web page, and you will find, BMFA Test Standards & Guideline
Booklets for A & B Certificates for info.
Noise policy and 9.1 Noise emission
At NADMAS we have an 80db noise limit which we strictly adhere by. All models have to be tested to make
sure they meet the criteria. Info on this can be found on the web-page (About Us) (Noise Policy)
If you have a model that has not been tested, please contact Maurice or David who have a noise meters.
NADMAS Webpage
For those of you that have notice we have been keeping the NADMAS webpage up to date.
You will find everything on there you need to know about the club and the rules.
There can be no excuses made by members, when rules are not followed, and they use the excuse.
“I didn’t know”. Information is there and it’s easy to find.
Please look at Events, that the club are organising and include some national events.
There’s a lot of pictures on there in the Gallery too.
If you have any pictures that you would like to post, especially old ones, relating to the club.
please get in touch with David. or Chris.
Future for the webpage.
• Post committee meeting minutes so you can see exactly what your committee are doing for you.
• Set up a page where members can post stuff they wish to sell.
Our only issue there is that we don’t want the whole world to see your phone number or address so we’ll figure out
how that can be done, by keeping your personal identity private.
For those who are not aware we also have a WhatsApp group for modelling related issues.
If you’re interested, please contact Maurice and he will put you on the group.
Navy blue polo shirts.
If you’re interested in purchasing a polo shirt with the NADMAS logo on it £10
Please get in contact with David